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The World's Finest Presents

Bios - Mayor Hamilton Hill

Voiced By: Lloyd Bochner
First Appearance: "Cold Comfort"
Position: Mayor of Gotham

Bio: Hamilton Hill has been the mayor of Gotham for quite sometime. The fact that he keeps getting re-elected into the office is more amazing than his will to actually stay in the city. Another amazing fact is that Mayor Hill is one of the straightest, cleanest politicians in Gotham, and maybe the world! Mayor Hill always has the voting public in the palms of his hands with his on again - off again acceptance of Batman. This, though, has made him the target of some of Gotham's Rogue Gallery a couple times, namely with the Joker and Lock Up. In one instance, his son Jordan was kidnapped by the Joker. He even has his own personnel villian in the form of The Clock King, who blames Hill for missing his court date. Being the punctual person that The Clock King is, that would actually drive him completely insane, making Mayor Hill a prime target. But Mayor Hill will continue to see over the political aspect of Gotham City.

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