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The World's Finest Presents



Beware The Batman
#15 - Reckoning

Original Airdate - August 16th, 2014
Discovering that Batman has escaped and is attempting to thwart his plans for dominance over Gotham, Ra's decides to call in reinforcements. Going to Blackgate, he unleashes some of Batman's greatest enemies – including Professor Pyg, Mr. Toad, Magpie, Tobias Whale, Phosphorus Rex and Cypher. The band of villains proceeds to tear Gotham apart until they meet Batman, who must fight his way through them in order to stop Ra's. With Batman distracted, Ra's turns his sights on Katana and Alfred.

Written by Mitch Watson
Directed by Curt Geda
Media by The World's Finest


Analysis by RoyalRubble:

I thought this was a pretty awesome episode, and a great conclusion to this show's Ra's al Ghul saga. The Batman versus pretty much all the villains he has encountered so far was a pretty amazing scene, though tricking them into fighting among themselves was kind of predictable. Still, it was handled well enough and I liked it. Also, some good interactions between all the characters, the highlight being probably Alfred and Tatsu, which also offered us a good explanation as to what happened to the latter's father. Again, kind of predictable but still entertaining. The Gordon and Barbara scenes were also great, and had some pretty good action as well.

Batman versus Ra's was pretty awesome, and probably the best part of the episode. I kind of doubt Ra's is gone for good, but seeing the spirits released from the Soul-Taker Sword and carrying him away was a pretty great scene. It looked like something out of Green Lantern: The Animated Series, with the spirits being green and stuff. Interesting that none of the souls released returned to their bodies - I mean, I understand Tatsu's father (it also gave us a pretty heartwarming moment), and others killed over the years, but I was expecting characters like Jason and Bethanie to be fine. I wonder if that will ever be addressed in any of the upcoming episodes.

While I liked the way the episode ended, with the League of Assassins (apparently) defeated, Alfred deciding to take a leave of absence and Bruce & Tastu getting ready for a new mission, I thought this would have worked rather well as the mid-season finale (or whatever you want to call it). Granted, the cliff-hanger we got of Ra's beating up Bats was pretty awesome as well, but this felt more like an ending to me. Looking forward to whatever is coming up next for the show.

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