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Artist Dario Brizuela, know for his work on the DC Comics series Justice League Unlimited and Batman: The Brave and The Bold, took time out of his busy schedule to discuss his upcoming stint as regular artist for the upcoming Green Lantern: The Animated Series comic title from DC Comics. The new Green Lantern: The Animated Series comic title debuts with a special #0 issue coming November 2011, featuring art by Brizuela with a script from Art Balazar and Franco. Continue below for more.

The World's Finest: First off, care to remind readers of who you are and some of your past works, both for DC Comics and Marvel Comics?

Dario Brizuela:
Sure, no problem! I started at DC / Wildstorm doing a back-up story called Nanobotz for the miniseries Robo Dojo. Afterwards, I found work on the Ben 10, JLU, and Super Friends comics. More recently I worked on the Batman: The Brave and the Bold comic and now Green Lantern: The Animated Series.

For Marvel I did licensing work on Spider-Man and Friends and The Super Hero Squad, along with the The Super Hero Squad comic strip for the Marvel website. I also provided art for the The Super Hero Squad Show Little Brow books, Iron Man: Armored Adventures books, Marvel Adventures The Avengers, Mini-Hulks strips and the The Super Hero Squad Show comic book.

WF: The new Green Lantern: The Animated Series comic book kicks off this November 2011. How did you get the assignment? Are you in it for the long-run? What are you looking forward to working on this comic?

Well, I'm always in touch with the editors. I saw the promotional image of Green Lantern: The Animated Series in the Bruce Timm CGI-style - that was the only image I saw on the web - so there were not many samples out there. But I started to talk with the editors and told them if DC Comics is planning a comic book for the show to please keep me in mind.

So, one day I was sending some of my Transformers work to Ben Abernathy, and he told me that editor Kristy Quinn is looking for an artist for the new Green Lantern: The Animated Series book. So, I wrote her a line, did some samples and now I'm happy to be on the book.

And yes, I'm on it for the long run.

I'm looking have a lot of fun working on this comic! The characters are really important, and as an artist I have to be ready to draw everything the Green Lantern: The Animated Series writers want. Art Baltazar and Franco are awesome, and they have this limitless imagination!

WF: Have you seen any footage from the upcoming Green Lantern: The Animated Series? Any teases or spoilers you can drop on the fans?

I have seen the short preview Cartoon Network released online, that was a good reference, but I also have many images the editor sent me - like character designs, backgrounds, vehicles - and it all looks fantastic!

WF: Does the CG animation in Green Lantern: The Animated Series bring any worry for you when it comes to adapting its style?

Not really. I love Bruce Timm's style and designs, and we follow that line very closely.

WF: How does working on the Green Lantern: The Animated Series comic differ from your past assignments with other DC Comics cartoon books?

Well, for the first time I'm the regular artist! I'm incredibly happy! This is a new challenge, but I'll be able to keep a great quality of work on the book every month!

Working on this book is like any other. I receive the script, I send layouts to the writers and editors and they tell me if they like it or if they want something changed. Then I do the pencil work and, if approved, I move on to the inks.

WF: Based on your past works, including Justice League Unlimited and Batman: The Brave and The Bold, you can really adapt to the art-styles of these different shows. How do you do that without losing your own unique style and touches?

I think you can see my style in the storytelling. I try to do dynamic images and make sure the characters actually act. As for the designs, as I said before, I love Bruce Timm's work and he's a big influence on my own work. I also love animation, and that also provides some great inspiration.

WF: Any past comic book work that stick out as some of your favorite? Why?

I really enjoy my work on the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I was in charge of the pencils, inks and greytones when I worked on that comic, so it was really cool to have all of that control over the artwork. I also really enjoy my work on the animated Transformers comic for IDW. I only did the short stories, but I really liked the character designs.

But I think my all-time favorite is Justice League Unlimited issue #41. It was a great story and I got to draw Harley and the Joker in the Timm style!

WF: You also work outside the comic field, including work on animated series. How does working on an animated series differ from working on a comic book?

My experience in animation was on a movie call El Arca (The Ark), made in Argentina. I worked on both storyboards and backgrounds. The experience was great! I think all the comic artist should have some work experience with an animation studio. It really changes how you approach, layout and draw a comic page. Plus, the team work is pretty amazing.

WF: You are also working on projects outside of the Green Lantern: The Animated Series comic book. Care to share on where else we can find you work?

I'm working for Little Brown books doing story books of The Super Hero Squad Show. I'm also doing a Voltron graphic novel for Viz Media and also a prequel book based on an upcoming movie I can't tell you about yet! Sorry!

About Voltron, I'm going to be signing some posters in the Viz media booth at the New York Comic-Con. I'll have my schedule up soon so you can stop by and say 'hi!'

WF: Finally, to wrap this up, what can fans expect from the Green Lantern: The Animated Series comic hitting November 2011?

Action! Adventure! Emotion! Lots of Aliens! You can find all this just in the issue zero, so be prepared for lots of adventure! We are working hard to have a cool book for the kids and for everyone who wants to enjoy Green Lantern!

Click here for a previous interview with Brizuela conducted by The World's Finest.



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