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Green Lantern: The Animated Series
Original Score from the DC Comics Animated Television Series

Composrer: Frederik Wiedmann
Studio: La-La Land Records
Street Date: La-La Land Records - 08/04/12, Wide - 08/21/12
Track Listing:
1. Green Lantern Main Theme 0:36
2. On a Planet Far Away 1:03
3. Battle of Betrassus 3:44
4. Royal Devotion 1:52
5. Atrocitus 2:29
6. The Red Knight 2:41
7. Hal vs Atrocitus 2:37
8. Aya’s Birth 1:06
9. Saint Walker 1:07
10. Into the Abyss 1:22
11. Resolution 1:51
12. Razer Saves Kilowog 3:35
13. Love Remembered 1:00
14. Bumpy’s Lazy Eye 1:15
15. Rescue Mission 2:32
16. Saint Walker’s Destiny 0:37
17. Red Empire 1:45
18. I am Mogo 2:29
19. A New World 2:01
20. The Inconvenient Truth 1:45
21. Hal’s Lantern 3:52
22. Carol Sparks 1:40
23. Maelstrom Collapse 1:50
24. Aya’s Mission 2:31
25. Blue Power 2:26
26. Dead Man Walking 2:11
27. The Invasion Begins 1:51
28. Byth Rok 2:02
29. Star Sapphires 2:26
30. A Lost Love 1:01
31. Failure to Death 1:19
32. Kilowog Supercharged 2:13
33. Red Supremacy 1:28
34. The Blue Lantern 1:03
35. The Destiny of Atrocitus 2:47
36. Victory 2:00

Total Album Time: 71:20

Synopsis: Presenting the original score to the acclaimed hit DC animated series Green Lantern - The Animated Series, currently airing on Cartoon Network. Composer Frederik Wiedmann fashions an amazing, pulse-pounding original score that propels the legendary Green Lantern to out-of-this-world heights. Packed with more than 70 minutes of thrilling super hero music from some of the show's greatest moments!

By James Harvey

To be upfront, I’m terrible at reviewing soundtracks. Which is funny, considering all the instruments I play, but still, I have the hardest time reviewing soundtracks. With my colleague Zach Demeter unable to give his thoughts on this release, I’ll do what I can to try and wrangle together something resembling a coherent thought. Brace yourself.

Still here? Alrightie then. What stands out for me in this soundtrack, which is apt given the series itself, is the emotion on display here. Some of the biggest tracks here are, when taken in context of the show, are just fueled by a character’s emotions. What composer Frederik Wiedmann has created here is a roller coaster of stirring music, fueled by the characters and their actions. In fact, there are tracks that will get your heart racing or cause you to grip your chair. Others may even touch you. Weidmann has done a spectacular job in selecting the tracks here, as everything works even without the context of what we may be seeing on screen. These tracks tell a story, one that’s easy to grasp without seeing the accompanying image. Wiedmann’s approach has resulted in a soundtrack where, well, you don’t need to see the source material. But you should, because the source material is just as excellent than what we get here.

What works well for this release, outside of the emotional punch, is the variety and scale. Yes, we are introduced to specific character themes, but this isn’t a release where we here the same theme over and over. Wiedmann instead opts for the ‘more’ approach, but introducing all of these different themes and ideas, and touching upon repeated character themes only if it plays a part of a larger track. For example, you’ll hear the Green Lantern theme a couple times, but you won’t be hit over the head with it when it reappears. It appears naturally later down the line, but it’s mixed in with a riveting track that you could easily miss it. The scale is substantial at times, and so evident. A great example is the blistering “Red Supremacy,” a track that has an undeniable grandiose feeling to it.

In terms of variety, Weidmann hits upon a host of different moments and emotions to give this soundtrack a broad appeal. It’s not all heroic themes, nor is at all action. We get some real tender moments, such as “Aya’s Birth,” or “Love Remembered,” and that’s paired with some huge tracks, like “Battle of Betrasses” and “Hal Vs Atrocitus.” “Carol Speaks” is arguably one of the more haunting tracks on the release, and “Royal Devotion” feels so calming, and sounds like something out of Gladiator. In all honesty, I could keep naming off tracks to show off just how much some contrast or complement each other and, in the overall scheme of things, how that results in just an overall invigorating score experience.

On top of all the gushing I’ve already unleashed upon this release, there is something else that becomes very apparent when listening to this soundtrack – motivation. You can tell, by listening to the tracks and the additional put in, that Weidmann was motivated by the source material. In a recent interview with this very site, he said that he went beyond the standard budget-controlled synth-score to give the score an added push, and you can hear it. In fact, there are a couple tracks where you’ll be hard-pressed to even realize this isn’t a full orchestra. Honestly, it’s not hard to see why Green Lantern: The Animated Series was nominated for its score based on just the first two episodes. In choice in instruments and use of vocals is also bang on, helping to bring an alien, sometimes ethereal quality, to the tracks here. Weidmann’s drive to provide a quality product is evident throughout, lining every track with that extra boost that adds undeniable quality to an already solid release.

This score, especially for fans of the animated series, is worth seeking out. In fact, I’d go as far to call it a Must Buy for fans of the animated series and of the character in general, or those who just want to hear a top-notch epic score. Green Lantern: The Animated Series - Original Score from the DC Comics Animated Television Series is not to be overlooked!

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