Spider-Man: The Animated Series Episode Reviews

Return of the Spider-Slayers
Review by Stu, Media by Kolbar

Episode #4 - Return of the Spider-Slayer
Original Airdate: February 11th, 1995

Kingpin coerces Alistair Smythe, Spencer's son, to build a new line of Spider-Slayers to destroy Spider-Man, but Alistair has other plans - execute those he holds responsible for his father's death.

Story By: John Semper
Written By: Mark Hoffmeier
Music Composed By: Shuki Levy and Kussa Mahchi
Animation Services By: Toyko Movie Shinsha (TMS)
Guest Starring: Christopher Daniel Barnes as Spider-Man/ Peter Parker, Ed Asner as J. Jonah Jameson, Linda Gary as Aunt May, Rodney Saulsberry as Robbie Robertson, Jennifer Hale as Felicia Hardy, Hank Azaria as Eddie Brock, Roscoe Lee Brown as The Kingpin, Maxwell Caulfield as Spencer Smythe, Edward Mulhare as Alyster Smythe, Patrick Labyorteaux as Flash Thompson, Neil Ross as Norman Osborne and Sara Ballantine as Mary Jane Watson

Review: Robots. Anyone who actually paid attention in this show will know that they showed up quite a lot. There where several reason for this, one of them was that it gave Smythe something to do, and in turn, brought The Kingpin into most of the stories, they make great popular toys and the other, when you're not allowed to punch, robots are easier to fight than people. BS+ P are more tolerate of violence towards lumps of metal than flesh and bones.

Having introduced the main characters who most of the robots in part 1, now was the fighting time. Adding more robots to the mix, as well as expanding on Smythes hatred of 3 of the main supporting cast, Norman Osborn, Eddie Brock and Flash Thompson, all of whom resulted in his dads 'death' in the previous episode. However, the highlight, copied from one of the original Spider-Slayers in the Lee/Ditko run, was Jameson and Spidey being attached to a bomb, with Spidey saving his friends, whilst Jameson whined about how Spidey was severely bruising his wrist. It's a shame they weren't attached to each other for a greter length of time, as it could've been comedy gold.

As with most of the first season, the animation was excellent. Spider-Man himself looked great, whilst the 3 big Spider Slayers looked stunning. The explosion at the end looked fantastic was a high point in the entire look of the series. Plus, you gotta love the "Hate to steal someone else's line, but it's collbering time!"

This episode was also memorable for one more thing than giant robots, bombs and classic Jameson dialogue. It introduced the main love interest in Mary Jane, in a particularly memorable way, with her famous "Face it tiger, you just hit the jackpot" as well as set up Kingpin's and Smythe's partnership. I always thought this was a great partnership and it certainly got off to an excellent start here!
