Episode Review - Ill Met By Moonlight
Review and Media by Stu

Episode #8 - Ill Met By Moonlight
Original Airdate - February 10th, 2001
The rebels want to put a lethal power plant out of business, and Spider-Man agrees to help. Little does he know that not only will he have to face off against Counter-Earth's Beastial Electro, but also against John Jameson's alter ego, Manwolf, as well!

Written By: Larry Brody, Robert Gregory-Browne
Directed By: Patrick Archibald

Now we're getting somewhere! The ongoing plot-threads actually move forward in this episode, with Spider-Man finally willing to go against The High Evolutionary and his forces! This episode is an above average affair for this show, giving the impression the series is actually planning on going somewhere, rather than simply staying in the exact same damn place each week.

The Man-Wolf wasn't up to much here, just a mindless brute that Jameson occasionally turned into. Mindless brutes aren't really all that interesting as characters ... they just smash things and cause problems. Where's the depth? The Incredible Hulk Jameson is not!

Also, another classic rogue gets revamped here - Electro! Here, though? He's now an electric eel. Spider-Man fighting a giant Electric Eel is something no man should have to witness. He's basically just a guard protecting The High Evolutionary's tower, nothing more, and nothing less. No character, either.

An above average episode, but still not brilliant. With only a few episodes remaining, this series needs to do something huge to make it all worth it ...
