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Inside the Outsiders!
Original Airdate - November 6th, 2009
Batman and the Outsiders are under a metaphysical attack by Psycho Pirate. Batman enters the Mindscape and helps Black Lightning, Katana and Metamorpho battle their own personal demons.

Written by Alex Van Dyne
Directed by Brandon Vietti
Animation by Digital eMation, INC
Review & Summary by Andrew
Media by Warner Bros. Animation
Diedrich Bader as Batman
Nika Futterman as Catwoman
Kim Mai Guest as Katana
Scott Menville as Metamorpho
Paul Nakauchi as Takeo / Takahiro
Bumper Robinson as Black Lightning
Armin Shimerman as Psycho Pirate
James Arnold Taylor as Green Arrow

Theme Written and Performed by Andy Strumer
Music by Michael McCuisition, Lolita Ritmanis, Kristopher Carter

Video Clips

Oh no, another episode with the Outsiders? That certainly didn’t sound appealing to me, and my low expectations weren’t improved any with the annoying teaser. Batman and Green Arrow take on the rather hideously interpreted Catwoman, but without any pre-establishment whatsoever, they immediately delve into the romance between the Dark Knight and his “Cat Burglar” foe. Not only coming off as pointless and far too forced, it’s incredibly hypocritical as well. In the falsely-titled episode, “Night of the Huntress!” Batman scorns Blue Beetle for letting his romantic interests get in the way. Batman even lets Catwoman eventually get away despite the protests of Green Arrow. If this had been any other hero doing this, then Batman would have spent the entire time verbally ripping them a new hole. Brave and the Bold’s writers dabble into the end-all, be-all stature of Batman.

Ironically, the main story involving the Outsiders trio is the redeeming aspect of this episode. The past Outsiders exploits in the show have teetered on the edge of ridiculous and obnoxious, however, this time they’re given the opportunity to be involved in a decent story. Batman comes across Psycho Pirate who is holding the Outsiders in a series of stasis-like pods, and feeding off their anger as he provokes them through nightmares. Not entirely original, but it does differ enough from episodes of previous series that have used similar plots, and keeps a fun aspect throughout it that never gets annoying. Batman has to round up each Outsider and break them out of their nightmares by witnessing each of their tortured memories.

This is where you expect it to get into clichéd nightmares for the characters, but fortunately they managed to take a unique approach to them. Out of the three, I have to say I like Katana’s the best even though it was the one that was most borderline-cliched. Metamorpho had nearly the weakest one, but it was still well done - and made this manifestation of Metamorpho somewhat interesting. Eventually Psycho Pirate realizes that he no longer has control over them, and creates a fake reality for Batman to wake up and think the Outsiders are now dead. Even if it is short-lived, it’s a great twist to the emotional-dabbling. Batman eventually overpowers Psycho Pirate by realizing that happiness is the weakness, and manages to think happy thoughts in order to defeat him. The episode ends greatly with the mystery of what are happy thoughts to Batman, and fortunately doesn’t spoil it by showing us. Finally a decent exploit for the Outsiders, even if the episode is burdened by a ridiculous teaser.

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