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The World's Finest Presents

Bios - Bucky Buenaventura

Voiced By: Ulysses Cuadra (Season 1); Blayn Barbosa (Season 2)
First Appearance: "Zeta" (Batman Beyond); "Remote Control" (The Zeta Project)
Position: Genius

Bio (Official): Remember that thirteen-year-old science-whiz who tries to make Zeta his own? We're gonna get to see more of him. When Zeta and Ro beat him at his own game, Bucky develops a respect for the pair that makes him an unlikely ally.

Bucky is a bona fide genius. Emancipated from his parents, he lives in an academic think tank. And despite all the other geniuses living there, no one seems able to keep an eye on the slippery kid. He's a prankster, a hacker -- who loves to invade high-security corporate computers, or expose sensitive government secrets -- all just to prove that he can, and give Big Brother the occasional goose. Never in it for material gain, Bucky will gleefully transfer creds from an environmentally destructive company into the accounts of Greenpeace, and then publicize the "grant" before the company has the presence to take the money back.

Unchecked by grown-ups, Bucky travels around freely, orchestrating his pranks -- and keeping an interested eye on Zeta and Ro. Amused by them, thinking they're cool, Bucky becomes their guardian angel. He'll keep an ear on Agent Bennet's communications, and show up unexpectedly just when Zeta and Ro need help. And when Bucky needs their help, he always seems to know how to contact them. Lucky for Zeta and Ro, Agent Bennet isn't so resourceful. But who knows -- maybe someday Bennet will force Bucky into his service...

Bio (Official - WBs Zeta Site): 12 year old Bucky is a bona fide genius. Emancipated by his parents, he lives in an academic think tank, and despite all other geniuses living there, no one seems to be able to keep an eye on the slippery kid.

He's a prankster, a hacker who loves to invade high security corporate computers and expose sensitive government secrets, just to show that he can and will give Big Brother the occasional goose. Never in it for material gain, Bucky will, for example, gleefully transfer creds from an environmentally destructive company into the accounts of Greenpeace, and then publicize the "grant" before the company has a chance to take the money back.

Bio: Once an annoyance to Zeta and Ro, they first ran into Bucky at a science fair where Bucky demonstrated his remote control, which, unfortunately for Zeta, was able to control him.

After this first encounter, they met many more times since; once for Bucky to save his parents, another to save Zeta and again to save himself from the NSA. Thought it all they became good friends, but after their last encounter with the NSA, Bucky was forced to go into hiding.

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