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The World's Finest Presents

Bios - Rosalie Rowen / Ro

Voiced By: Julie Nathanson
First Appearance: "The Accomplice"
Position: Friend of Zeta / On the Run

Bio (Official): In the pilot episode, Zeta saves a girl named Rosalie Rowen from an angry gang of street kids. In gratitude, when the tables turn a moment later, Ro helps Zeta escape the agents on his tail.

When we meet her, fifteen-year-old Ro is one step away from living on the sidewalk. She grew up in foster care, and was then assigned to a state-run girls' home -- but in her own words, the place wasn't exactly the Waldorf. She ran away from the state system and hooked up with a gang just to have a roof over her head. But when she refused to do a hold-up to prove herself to the leader, she burned the last bridge she had.

After saving one another from their respective threats, Zeta buys Ro food and clean clothes, using the cred-card that slides out of his palm. When Ro finds out that the card is perpetually charged, she immediately wants to tag along with him. Hey, who wouldn't want a best friend with unlimited money?

Zeta warns Ro that being with him is dangerous, but she's not concerned. Living on the street is dangerous, and at least with him, she'll always eat. And besides, Zeta is the first person in a long time to care about her. (Hmm, an unlimited cred-card, and a super-powered bodyguard. This is sounding better all the time...)

Ro is the source of humor for the series. She can see something to quip about in almost any situation. Even when our heroes get stuck in a jam, she'll remind us not to take it too seriously. And it's a good thing too -- because Zeta is kinda stiff. In fact, he's the ultimate straight man. Developing his sense of humor may just be the hardest challenge Ro has.

She's also Zeta's guide to "passing" among humans. She teaches him how to "get loose," by relaxing his look and speaking more slang. She teaches him all those endless lessons we all take for granted about being human. Plus, thanks to a life of fending for herself, Ro's an expert on the less honorable sides of human nature. Her first lesson to the naïve Zeta in this area: Don't ever tell anyone about that unlimited cred card again.

It's a little funny -- a kid playing tutor to an Infiltration Unit -- but humans can be intimidating... even to a killer robot.

Ro's past, and how she ended up on her own, will be another unfolding plotline over the course of the series. The only thing she even knows about her family is a vague memory of an older brother; the pair was separated by the foster care system years ago. Ro may not realize it herself, but ever since, she's been on her own search for a "family" to belong to.

As she and Zeta search for his creator -- and become a family of sorts themselves -- Ro will embark on a parallel journey. She'll discover clues to the whereabouts of her parents, and surprising questions will awaken within her: Who are they? Why did they abandon her? Ro's "tough kid" armor will suddenly reveal its chink. And Zeta, having learned how to read people from the master, will realize the importance of these questions to her, and encourage her to search for answers.

Bio (Official - WBs Zeta Site): Zeta saves a girl named Rosalie Rowen from an angry gang of street kids. In gratitude, when the tables turn a moment later, Ro helps Zeta escape from agents on his tail.

When we meet her, fifteen-year-old Ro is one step away from living on the sidewalk. She grew up in foster care and was then assigned to a state run girls' home, but in her own words, "the place wasn't exactly the Waldorf." She ran away from the state system and hooked up with a gang just to have a roof over her head, but when she refused to perform a hold-up robbery in order to prove herself to the leader, she burned the last bridge she had.

After saving one another from their respective threats, Zeta buys Ro food and clean clothes, using the cred-card that slides out of his palm. When Ro finds out that the card is perpetually charged, she immediately wants to tag along with him. Hey, who wouldn't want a best friend with unlimited money?

Zeta warns Ro that being with him is dangerous, but she's not concerned. Living on the street is dangerous, too, at least this way she won't go hungry. Besides, Zeta is the first person in a long time to care about her. (Hmm... an unlimited cred-card and a super-powered body guard? This is sounding better all the time.)

Bio: Once a fleeing escapee from the Girls Home on Gaines Street, Rosalie Rowen ran into some trouble with those she took shelter with. When their leader, Slam, asked Ro to help him rob a bank, Ro refused and immediately ran into Zeta, also fleeing from capture.

The two formed a bond shortly after and gradually became closer and closer, risking their lives for one another whenever trouble would arise.

Before the Girls Home, Ro lived with her foster parents, Sherriff Morgan, his wife and their daughter, Tiffy. Ro later returned to their home, hoping to find some sort of record of who her real parents were; when she arrived, she found out that her foster mother had passed away. Records of Ro’s parents were never found in the Morgan house and Zeta and Ro eventually left, but not before Tiffy gave Ro a hologram that held a picture of her brother. Saying she was always welcome to “come home,” Sherriff Morgan and Tiffy hugged Ro goodbye.

With the assistance of Bucky, Ro found her brother, now going by the name “Casey MacCready.” The two met and Casey talked all about Ro and how she still acted as she did when she was young. Calling her a little “bulldozer” (“Whenever you wanted something, you just plowed through whatever was in your way. You never gave up until you got what you wanted. It was grandpa’s nickname for you.”), Casey filled her in on all that happened with them and their parents.

Living with their father’s parents, their mother had to leave with her parents for some reason; when their fathers parents passed away, they were put into foster care and split up.

Casey and Ro still keep in touch via classifieds posted on the internet and Zeta and Ro are still on the run from the NSA.

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