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Although he tried his best, Batman couldn't defend against the DC executives holding the guns, wanting a new comic for 'The Batman'On May 17th, 2003, fans got a taste of what would be destined to become one of the greatest (and sadly, shortest) runs of the animated Batman comic. Breaking away from any current on-air incarnation, Batman Adventures took Batman and his crew to new places and stories; along the way, we met new characters, saw new locations and even saw the future tied into the past with a destroyed Arkham and the budding relationship between Barbara and Bruce (and even a taste of dissention between Barbara and Dick in issue #15). Wildly praised and applauded, issue after issue, Batman Adventures had a few weak points but remained a solid title throughout its seventeen month run, entertaining and teasing fans along the way.

This section is a tribute to Batman Adventures; Reviews, all-new Character biographies written for the section reflecting character changes and the stories behind the new ones, cover Gallery, Creator profiles, a Backstage area with art and scripts and The Comic, with interviews with those involved in the title.

A major thanks to all those involved in helping make this section: randomguy for pitching the idea and the comic reviews, Amazing Spidey for some of the bios, Borg4of3 for image scans, SJJ for graphics help, and James Harvey for the backstage material; Ty Templeton, Rick Burchett, Terry Beatty, Jason Hall, Vito DelSante, Dave Haspiel, Gabe Soria and, of course, the entire crew behind Batman Adventures for giving us an excellent comic we can read and re-read, time and time again.


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