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Guides - Releases - Blu-ray - The Complete First Season

Street Date: 11/05/13
Closed Captioning: Yes
MSRP: $24.95
Packaging Type: Blue BD Case
Media Quantity: 2
Sound Track Language: English
Run Time: 584
Aspect Ratio: Widescreen (16x9)
Sound Quality: English (DTS HD-Master Audio 2.0)
Subtitles: English

Disc One
1) Rise of the Blue Beetles
2) Terror on Dinosaur Island
3) Evil Under the Sea
4) Invasion of the Secret Santas
5) Day of the Dark Knight!
6) Enter the Outsiders!
7) Dawn of the Dead Man!
8) Fall of the Blue Beetle!
9) Journey to the Center of the Bat!
10) The Eyes of Despero!
11) Return of the Five Fearsome Fangs!
12) Deep Cover the Batman! (Part 1)
13) Game Over for Owlman! (Part 2)

Disc Two
1. Mystery in Space!
2. Trials of the Demons!
3. Night of the Huntress!
4. Menace of the Conqueror Caveman!
5. The Color of Revenge!
6. Legends of the Dark Mite!
7. Hail the Tornado Tyrant!
8. Duel of the Double Crossers!
9. The Last Bat on Earth!
10. When Omac Attacks!
11. The Fate of Equinox!
12. Mayhem of the Music Meister!
13. Inside the Outsiders!

Synopsis: Batman wings into an exciting new era, teaming with a mighty honor roll of DC Comics Super Heroes in the debut season of the smart, hip TV series! This exciting 2-Disc, 26-Episode Collection features Batman and allies Aquaman, Green Arrow, Blue Beetle, Booster Gold, Robin, Wildcat, Deadman, Plastic Man, Red Tornado, Bronze Tiger, Dr. Fate and The Atom fighting foes from mad scientists to intergalactic crooks, from power-mad dictators to out-of-control teenagers teenagers in High Definition 1080p! He even partners with another legendary detective: Sherlock Holmes! In this cool, cutting-edge and often funny series, bringing back old-school comic book styling and dry wit to crime fighting, Batman faces any peril – including other heroes stealing the show – in his relentless pursuit of justice.

Review (by James Harvey)

Since this review is meant to be focused more on the Blu-ray aspect of this release, I'll try to keep my thoughts on the show itself brief (more indepth thoughts are littered throughout this subsite). There's something many critics call Batman: The Brave and The Bold - "fun" - and I can't think of a more apt description. Whether you're new to the character or a long-time fan, this show has much to offer. There's plenty of action, flat-out hilarious moments, solid dialogue, and sophisticated humor with a host of in-jokes and nods for even the most die-hard Bat-fan to enjoy. Batman: The Brave and The Bold brings together and combines so many different influences, ultimately creating a truly unique Batman experience that pays homage to pretty much every interpretation of the character possible. The basis might be Silver Age fun, but barely any era is left untouched here. There's no questions the creators behind Batman: The Brave and The Bold have a deep love for the character and his comic history. This show is overflowing with homages and references to Batman's four-colored past.

Batman: The Brave and The Bold gives us a Batman at his most heroic. He's a crime-fighter and hero first, putting himself out there with the best (or most obscure) of DC Comics. Heck, I'd even call this version of Batman the most "innocent," for lack of a better term, we've ever seen. While the show doesn't focus on the character's dark, brooding nature, that doesn't mean we're denied it. It's a part of him, but all of that is pushed to the back and, instead, we get Batman at his most...ideally heroic. There's more to it than that, yes, but here he's a super-hero through and through. The other heroes here look up to Batman for a reason, and we see it clear as day in each episode.

This Batman is a costumed adventurer who can crack wise with the best of them, a Batman who doesn't take himself too seriously. Lots of folks out there may think this isn't "their" Batman, but that honestly shouldn't stop anyone from giving this 'toon a whirl. There's plenty of action, some flat-out hilarious moments, solid dialogue, and plenty of in-jokes and nods for even the most die-hard Bat-fan to enjoy. Batman: The Brave and The Bold harkens back to a pre-"grim and gritty" Batman and it's actually a bit refreshing to see, in light of recent portrayals both on the big screen and the comics (both of which are still excellent in their own way, I should add). This version of Batman isn't better or worse than what came before, just a different take on a great character, and this cartoon is easily one of the best animated incarnations of our beloved Caped Crusader. Find out why this cartoon is always spoken so highly of and remembered so fondly by checking the entire first season on Blu-ray.

The Blu-ray:

Released through the Warner Archive label from Warner Bros. Home Entertainment, Batman: The Brave and The Bold - The Complete First Season features no bonus content whatsoever. However, this two-disc Blu-ray set includes probably the best audio/video transfer this cartoon has ever seen.

Given the high episode count on this Blu-ray set - 26 episodes spread over two discs - there is some justified reason for concern. That being said, the video quality is absolutely stunning. Any flaws to the transfer are barely noticeable, save for the odd banding here and there and some slight ghosting. Given the bright color palette of the series, and how susceptible that is to blemishes and assorted visual hiccups from poor mastering, the transfer looks absolutely remarkable in all its widescreen glory.

The audio work done here is just as great. The 24-bit DTS-HD Master Audio soundtrack is exactly what you'd want in a release such as this. The mix is very center-focused - understandable given the television nature of the series - but it still packs a wallop for your home entertainment system. Every explosion is beefy, every punch a stinger, every bit of clever dialogue clear and concise - it all sounds fantastic.

As I said above, there's no bonus content to be found, but that's almost to be expected at this point. Bonus content has become nearly non-existent on home video releases for these types of animated titles, something fans have grow begrudgingly used it. While it's a shame nothing is included, the sheer quality of the main feature should be more than enough to warrant a purchase. It is, actually.

Warner Archive has given one of the most fun cartoons in recent history a great release with Batman: The Brave and The Bold - The Complete First Season. This awesome action/comedy cartoon has never looked better, and it's a great alternative to some of the more grim offerings coming from the DC Universe Animated Original Movie line and DC Comics itself. Batman: The Brave and The Bold embraces the sheer insanity of these characters, and the DC Universe as a whole, and out of that we get this amazing love letter to arguably the best superhero ever created. Fans of the series should pick this up as soon as possible - available through the Warner Archive website and most online outlets - and marvel in the sheer joyful lunacy of Batman: The Brave and The Bold - The Complete First Season. Highly Recommended!

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