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The World's Finest Presents

Bios - Dr. Fate and Inza

Voiced By:
Oded Fehr as Dr. Fate
Jennifer Hale as Inza
First Appearance: "The Terror Beyond"
Position: Sorcerers

Bio: While many superheroes are bestowed with their powers either by technology, natural given abilities, or a science freak accident, none of these apply to Dr. Fate. His powers are of magic, something that's even possible to harm Superman. But Dr. Fate is no villain, he is a powerful wizard with the best interests for the world.He has had contact with Superman and the Justice League. With the League's powers, he was able to destroy a threat to the Earth with his magic. Inza, his wife, is also a powerful sorceress, acting as her husband's aid and his anchor for when he must travel to another world.

For more on Fate and Inza, refer to the Justice League Unlimited bio.

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