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The World's Finest Presents



Legion of Super Heroes
#08 - Lightning Storm

Original Airdate - February 10th, 2007
Much to the Legion's disappointment, Lighting Lad accepts an invitation to join an older, "cooler" team. Once there, however, Lightning Lad realizes these new heroes aren't exactly what they seem. Now, caught between the Legion and his new friends, Lighting Lad must decide once and for all where his loyalties lie.

Written by Rob Hummell
Directed by Tim Maltby
Mini-Review by S.C.B.
Media by The World's Finest


Additional HD Images


I enjoyed it, although that's not saying much from me; I haven't really disliked an episode of this show yet. I've been a bit bored now and then, but most of the time I'm entertained. I like the concentration on Lightning Lad; I've always found him a visually interesting character (having only seen glimpses of him on Superman: The Animated Series and Justice League Unlimited), so having him more fleshed out is a real treat.

The battles were fun to watch. I liked Superman's use of his powers, from the superspeed dash out of the Legion ship to the superspeed punches to the gut. It was all good. Nice to see Lightning Lad lose the fight with Mekt; it'll give their next battle a real kick start. The Bouncing Boy and Triplicate Girl shipper moment came out of left field. Maybe if they had had some interaction prior to that (perhaps at the Legion auditions?) it wouldn't have felt so random.

I'd really like for some more Legionaires to make appearances soon. Not that I don't like these characters; the show has actually made them very sympathetic and enjoyable. I just feel like I'm missing out on this encyclopedia of superheroes.

And the first Silver Age style superhero pun - "Now that's what I call mind over matter!" Oh, Saturn Girl - you should take your act on the road.

I liked that they returned to Breath Lad at the end of the episode. I thought that they were going to just forget about him, so I loved that they gave that some attention. The idea that Brainy turned the lights off had me chortling away.

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