Batman: The Animated Series – Bios – Boxy Bennett

Bios – Boxy Bennett

Voiced By: Dick Miller
First Appearance: “Harlequinade”
Position: Sleezy Mobster
Bio: Boxy Bennett is Gotham’s resident mobster, who has his sticky fingers in every dirty deal in Gotham. Born into a family of crime, he decided not to break out, and stay in the family business, which was providing very nicely for him. While he may not have criminal empires to match Rupert Thorne or the reformed Arnold Stromwell, he does have his gang. His racket is the same as any gangster thug, racketeering, protection, embezzlement, and blackmail to name a few. Bennet has also run up against some of Gotham’s most notable criminals, suck as Harley and The Joker!


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