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The World's Finest Presents

And now for the page that everyone will be disappointed in because it isn't some major cool easter egg--no, it's just a thank you page!

Thank you Cyndy for the idea for the new site layout. 'Fixed backgrounds' I said, 'Bah!' And then twenty seconds later I realized how cool it was. So thank you thank you thank you!

Thank you Ian for the massively cool and sweet help you gave me on the graphics. You surpassed everything I thought you'd do for the vector tracing on the menu and shield up top. The Kryptonian font roll-over is even better than what I was hoping for and the background turned out perfect from the massive version you made. So many thanks, kind sir! Not to mention the major help on the pans for the episode--you kick lots and lots of ass.

Thank you Stu for the massive help on the screengrabs, not only for the episodes, but bios and episodic avatars as well. And then testing the site links even without asking--definitely saves face when it comes to people emailing me about broken links! Major thanks buddy. Hopefully we'll be a team on websites for a long time to come.

Rick -- thanks for helping out with the different browser testing, helping me make sure that the site looked good in various web browsers. Really helped me out a lot!

I think that about covers it for this site revamp. Anyone I forgot...well thanks! I'm sure I valued your input somewhere along the way.

-Joseph "Bird Boy"

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