Young Justice – Reviews – Season Three – First Impression


First Impression
Original Airdate – July 9, 2019
The Reach is back… unless the Outsiders can stop them!

Written by Brandon Vietti
Directed by Mel Zwyer
Mini-Review by Royal Rubble
Media by Warner Bros. Animation
Please note our regular reviewer, “GregX,” is currently on sabbatical.



Review: “First Impression” was pretty cool. It’s nice seeing Gar’s Outsiders off to a good start. I liked how he presented the case for the team to exist in the first place. There were some good debates in there. It’s also kind of funny seeing how their headquarters is basically sponsored by their enemy.

The alien invasion was a nice enough plot. I wasn’t really in a hurry to see the Reach again, so I was kind of relieved by the twist ending. It’s also nice seeing more of Intergang, I always liked the idea of that organization and kind of missed them on this show. The Newsgirl Legion was a pretty amusing addition though I admit Gaby got kind of annoying. I did like the nods to the Scooby Gang, I kind of picked up on what they were going for once “Big Words” lost her glasses. I was thinking that looked familiar for some reason. Though I was curious if they would bring in a Shaggy counterpart, too. :p I also appreciated the allusions to Mystery Inc. in particular.

Artemis had some neat moments here. She’s not that “old”. Miss Martian telling her to behave. Her admitting she’ll miss Halo and Terra. The more motherly aspect of conforting Halo. All cool stuff, and more enjoyable than any of the potential romantic sub-plot with Will she had recently.

I also liked how the ending explained a few more things about the mission in this episode. All in all, a very entertaining story. I don’t really have much else to add, really. I am looking forward to whatever happens next.

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