Images from four upcoming episodes of Batman: The Brave and The Bold are available to view below, exclusively on The World’s Finest. The images are from the upcoming episodes “Time Out for Vengeance!,” “Sword of the Atom!,” “Triumvirate of Terror!,” and “Bold Beginnings.” Batman: The Brave and The Bold currently remains on hiatus from Cartoon Network, though new episodes have been regularly appearing available to purchase and legally download through sites such as Amazon, iTunes and Zune, among others. Continue on for details. Please note the images below may contain spoilers.

The above content can also be found at the The World’s Finest Batman: The Brave and The Bold subsite. Cast and crew details for the above episodes are available here and here.
Cartoon Network currently does not have the above episodes of Batman: The Brave and The Bold scheduled to air, but all are currently available to purchase legally through online retailers, including iTunes, Amazon, Zune and The Playstation Network. Network premieres for the above episodes will likely be scheduled soon.
Stay tuned for further updates, including exclusive content and more, here soon at The World’s Finest.
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