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Young Justice – Reviews – Season Three – Antisocial Pathologies

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Antisocial Pathologies
Original Airdate – August 13, 2019
The betrayals come fast and furious, and with them, a reckoning…

Written by Brandon Vietti
Directed by Vinton Heuck
Mini-Review by Royal Rubble
Media by Warner Bros. Animation
Please note our regular reviewer, “GregX,” is currently on sabbatical.




Review: As the log-line said, the betrayals would come into play but with this show you never know which betrayals they’re talking about, or if any new ones will be introduced in this story. But we got them here!

Jefferson finding out the truth about Batman’s long-term plan was handled well enough. I don’t think he exaggerated or anything given what he learned. Same goes for the other heroes present there. I liked how we saw a few different points of view on all of this, and each one had some pretty valid points.

The stuff with Tara and Deathstroke was pretty cool. It’s nice seeing some sort of background on her, though I do think Slade might be lying about some of that stuff. Still I liked how he helped her, I am sure he doesn’t want anything in return for all this. Her arc seems to be going in the traditional betrayal story-line, but it remains to be seen how it will all play out. To be fair, even if her betrayal is legit, this is still a different enough setup to make it stand out some more from the other animated projects that featured her.

I liked how they tried explaining the Anti-Life Equation here, something I don’t think was really ever attempted in other projects. Halo being the key to all this was alluded to in the last episode, but I still wasn’t sure what exactly she had to do. But I think they did offer a decent enough explanation to all this.

Helga’s plan was honestly kind of getting on my nerves, it lasted a bit too long but they did get the point across as to how crazy she really is. There were a few things in there I didn’t predict but for the most part it wasn’t really all that surprising. What surprised me the most was probably the reveal of Granny Goodness and Gretchen Goode standing in front of each other. Metron was right, who would have expected something like this.

It was kind of cool seeing the villains at odds with each other. I liked the little we saw of Ultra-Humanite. I was expecting him to play sort of a bigger role, but whatever. The plot advanced more with Gretchen getting involved. I was a little surprised how scared Savage was towards the end (unless I mis-interpreted his reaction), it just goes to show you how much of a threat Darkseid is now.

All in all, a good episode with some pretty interesting developments. I imagine we haven’t seen the last of these either – not only the threat of the Anti-Life Equation, but also Terra or the fall-out to more learning about the Anti-Light and their plans.

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