With the thirty-episode Gotham Girls web-series soon be available on DVD, as part of the upcoming Birds of Prey: The Complete Series DVD box set, it seems like a perfect time for the acclaimed Gotham Girls animated comic mini-series to be collected in the popular trade paperback format. However, according to Paul Storrie, there are no current plans for a collection.
“To the best of my knowledge, there are no plans for a collection of the Gotham Girls mini-series,” says Storrie.
However, when asked, Storrie did provide some words of encouragement for fans wishing to see this series collected.
“As to how fans might be able to encourage such a collection, while letter writing campaigns and the like are always nice, the best way to convince a publisher that there’s demand for a product is to convince your local comics retailer that there is demand for a product, ” says Storrie.
“After all, the retailer is really the first customer,” he continues. “Their orders determine how profitable a particular product will be for the publisher. When it comes to what gets collected, the biggest factor is potential sales. If the retailers convince DC that they’d sell a lot of Gotham Girls collections, I’m sure DC would do one.”
Storrie has fond memories of working on the mini-series, something he hopes the fans were able to pick up upon when they read it.
“When it comes to the mini-series itself, all I can say is that I had a great time writing it and I think that the excellent work of all involved still holds up,” says Storrie. “Illustrator Jennifer Graves (with layout assistance from Brad Rader and Rick Burchett on issues three and five) and inker J. Bone did a wonderful job on the art, Shane Glines and Rian Hughes did terrific covers and, I hope, my story was a fun ride for the readers.”
For fans looking for more from Storrie, he provided a quick update on what he has coming down the pipeline, as well as a few other recent happenings.
“Don’t have a whole lot of projects right now at a stage where I can talk about them, but I do have a one-shot coming out soon from Moonstone Books called Gabriel: Angel of Destruction,” Storrie says. “It’s part of their “Twilight Crusade” event, which is five books by five creative teams telling different stories involving the War between Heaven and Hell, played out in the modern world.”
“Also, later this year, I have another book coming out in the Graphic Myths & Legends series, this time featuring William Tell.”
Storrie also had a pleasant surprise earlier this year, with one of his book placing as a finalist in a prestigious category.
“I’m also pleased to report that my Graphic Myths & Legends book Beowulf: Monster Slayer is a finalist in this year’s Children’s Choice Book Awards,” Storrie says, “and Amaterasu: Return of the Sun is named in the 2008 Edition of The Best Childrens Books of the Year from the Childrens Book Committee at Bank Street College of Education.”
The World’s Finest would like to thank Paul Storrie for taking the time to answer a few of our questions. For more from Paul Storrie, please check out both his official website and blog for more.
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Note: The World’s Finest has also recently interviewed comic creators J. Torres and Todd Nuack. Please check out those recent interviews in the Teen Titans Go! subsection.