The 21st birthday of the classic Batman: The Animated Series cartoon was celebrated over the weekend at one of the biggest comic conventions in North America. The San Diego Comic-Con convention is held every year, focusing on host of different genres and pop culture events, with everything from comics to movies covered over the span of a long weekend. The 2013 schedule for the famed San Diego Comic-Con included a panel dedicated to the classic Batman: The Animated Series landmark cartoon, with a host of the series’ creators in tow. The hour-long panel “Batman: The Animated Series Turns 21” was held on Saturday, July 20th, 2013 at the San Diego Comic-Con, and featured Bruce Timm, Paul Dini, Alan Burnett, Eric Radomski, along with a surprise guest. Click on the image below to view coverage of the panel, released to the media by DC Comics.

Further details on Batman: The Animated Series are available here at The World’s Finest. Check back for additional news and updates right here at The World’s Finest.
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