DC Comics has released the final covers for Batman: The Adventures Continue – Season Three #8, which will be available in print and digital starting Oct. 3, 2023. The issue, which has four separate covers, not only concludes the third volume of the popular Batman:The Animated Series sequel comic, but is also the finale to the “three season” series. Continue below for artwork and details, all provided by DC Comics.
Art and cover by TY TEMPLETON
Variant cover by KERON GRANT
Variant cover by GUSTAVO DUARTE
1:25 variant cover by HAYDEN SHERMAN
$3.99 US | 32 pages | 8 of 8 | Variant $4.99 US (card stock)
Over the last three seasons, the minds behind the version of Gotham that defined a generation have brought you a continuation of their masterwork–and now that continuation comes to an end. Ra’s al Ghul’s mysterious plot has now been fully revealed, but will Batman be able to stop it in time? Or has the Dark Knight’s luck finally run out? Find out in this series finale over 30 years in the making!
ON SALE 10/3/2023
Ty Templeton’s cover for Batman: The Adventures Continue – Season Three #8 is a clear homage to the cover of 1992’s The Batman Adventures #1, also drawn by Templeton. The Batman Adventures was the first of DC Comics’ many Batman: The Animated Series tie-in titles.
The first volume of Batman: The Adventures Continue launched in April 2020 from DC Comics, accompanied by a tie-in toyline and heavy promotional campaign, and introduced characters such as Azreal, Talon and Red Hood in to DC Animated Universe continuity. Check out the The World’s Finest Batman: The Adventures Continue subsite for further details, exclusive content, videos, interviews, and much more.
In related news, DC Comics recently announced sequel titles to their 2021-released Batman ’89 and Superman ’78 comic series. The titles, based on the classic live-action Tim Burton Batman and Richard Donner Superman theatrical features, follow Batman and Superman’s further adventures in the worlds established by their respective films. Continue below for cover artwork and details, provided by DC Comics.
Written by SAM HAMM
Art and cover by JOE QUINONES
Variant cover by RILEY ROSSMO
1:25 variant cover by DOUG BRAITHWAITE
1:50 variant cover by BALDEMAR RIVAS
Blank sketch variant
McFarlane Action Figure variant
$3.99 US | 32 pages | Variant $4.99 US (card stock)
You wanna get nuts? Let’s get nuts! After Harvey Dent’s crusade against Gotham and Batman, the Caped Crusader has disappeared without a trace. In his place, ordinary citizens have taken to the streets to root out crime. As innocents get hurt, the question on everyone’s mind is the same: Where is Batman? Sam Hamm, screenwriter of the 1989 Batman movie, and Joe Quinones reunite for another tale in Gotham!
ON SALE 11/28/23
Art and cover by GAVIN GUIDRY
Variant cover by WILFREDO TORRES
1:25 variant cover by DOUG BRAITHWAITE
1:50 variant cover by ADRIAN GUTIERREZ
Blank sketch variant
McFarlane Action Figure variant
$3.99 US | 32 pages | Variant $4.99 US (card stock)
When the planet Krypton exploded, its last son was rocketed across the cosmos and came to settle in a small town in Kansas. But what else came with him, and what if a piece of his home landed somewhere we never knew about? As Superman has become a symbol of strength and pride for America, the Soviet Union looks to crush that image with a creation of their own, built by their own might and forged by their own power! Robert Venditti returns to the Man of Steel with new artist Gavin Guidry!
ON SALE 11/7/23
Art and cover by GAVIN GUIDRY
Variant cover by MICHAEL CHO
1:25 variant cover by MAX DUNBAR
$3.99 US | 32 pages | Variant $4.99 US (card stock)
Superman brings Lois to the Fortress of Solitude for a private interview. Meanwhile, the Russians launch their first assault with their mighty Metallo in hopes of drawing the Man of Steel out into the open. Witness as the power of the people breaks Superman!
ON SALE 12/5/23
Check out The World’s Finest reviews of Batman ’89 and Superman ’78 for commentary and extensive imagery from both comic titles. Stay tuned for further updates and coverage on right here at The World’s Finest!
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