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Young Justice – Reviews – Season Three – Exceptional Human Beings


Exceptional Human Beings
Original Airdate – January 25, 2019
The search for Tara Markov continues – but who’s doing the searching and where?!

Written by Francisco Paredes
Directed by Christopher Berkeley
Review by GregX
Media by Warner Bros. Animation



We open this episode as Batman, Katana, and Metamorpho infiltrate Santa Prisca, which Cheshire recently revealed to us is the new headquarters of the League of Shadows. I love that this series keeps on bringing back this island. In season one, it was here that the team selected Aqualad to be their team leader. In season two, it was where the team scored a major victory against the Light by fracturing their alliance with the Reach. I have a feeling that whatever happens here today will have ramifications that will play out before the season is over.While Batman, Katana and Metamorpho lurk, having come to seek out information about the missing Tara Markov, I enjoyed the scene with Deathstroke, Lady Shiva, and Cassandra Savage. Of course, Vandal Savage wouldn’t want his daughter to be given any special treatment, the guy is a Darwinist… if they give her special treatment, that reflects badly on him, now doesn’t it? Now I am not too familiar with Lady Shiva, but I am told she is the best fighter in the DC Universe. That certainly comes across as even Deathstroke is intimidated by her. But he does give us one piece in the Tara Markov mystery. She washed out and Granny may have use for her.

Meanwhile, as Conner blows off helping to train the kids in favor of quality time with his fiance (he did the right thing), we get more tension building between Geo Force and Nightwing. The downside of taking so long to get to these reviews, I know how Geo Force’s arc will play out by the time this season is over, but we’re really seeing that trajectory get built in scenes like this. Nightwing advises patience, and while Geo Force very begrudgingly gives in… but this isn’t over.

As this happens, Violet picks out a surname and becomes another of the many Harpers running around the DC Universe. And, building off of what we saw, previously, she’s rejecting anything having to do with Gabrielle. We’ll ultimately see this pay off, but I was intrigued when this first aired.

There’s also a subplot about Victor Stone, setting the stage for what will happen to him in the very next episode. Now, I’m no DC expert, I’ve never seen an episode of Teen Titans. My knowledge of Cyborg is only that he is a character that exists… which is only a little bit more than I knew about Halo before this scene started. But I like what I’m seeing. He’s ambitious. A good student. Has his dreams of becoming a football hero… which is not the same thing as a real hero. While he didn’t participate in the locker room bullying, he also did nothing to stop it. I’m getting the vibes that this Cyborg will be a very reluctant hero.

The highlight of this episode has to be the climactic showdown on Santa Prisca. How often do we get a laugh from dialogue delivered by Batman? But his response to Bane’s arrogant declaration that nobody gets on Santa Prisca without him knowing was priceless. The duel between Lady Shiva and Katana is beautifully choreographed, and the fight between Deathstroke and Metamorpho is so creative that I would want to see this team handle the Fantastic Four, as Reed Richards’ powers aren’t always used to their full potential. But the best part is what each of these fights says about it’s participants. Bane may be highly intelligent, but at the end of the day, he’s just a thug; his response to the heroes’ escape is a far cry from Lady Shiva and Deathstroke’s.

Den of Geek posted a review of this episode that, in particular, praised the sound design. And I can’t disagree with them. The sound design for this episode as Batman and his team lurk their way around the island is exceptional, especially when you specifically listen for it. Also scattered small moments like the two Shadows having a humanizing moment as Katana embarrasses one of them… it’s almost a flatulence joke but without feeling juvenile and degrading the series, as another action-drama did a few years back, I won’t name names… but fartbending was not becoming. Oops, I may have said too much.

“Exceptional Human Beings” turns out to be an exceptional episode of an exceptional series, and this rather unexceptional critic feels honored to review it.

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