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Young Justice – Extras – Interview with Greg Weisman #3


With the first year of the Young Justice comic title coming to a close – the comic based on the acclaimed animated series of the same name – The World’s Finest caught up with writer Greg Weisman to both look back at the past 12 months worth of adventures and provide a peek on what’s to come for this junior Justice League. Weisman is both producer of the acclaimed Young Justice animated series and its tie-in comic title. Continue below for more.

The World’s Finest: The final Young Justice comic of the year hits on December 21st. Based on the cover, it’s going to be an epic way to sign off 2011. Care to drop a few teasers as to what we can expect?

Greg Weisman: Well, issue #11 reveals to the reader exactly what Robin was up to while Wally West and the rest of the Team was busy in the Tower of Fate in episode seven of the television series. And in case that’s not enough of an inducement, it also introduces Talia al Ghul to our Earth-16 continuity…

WF: Previously, you mentioned focusing on two-parters for the comics. We’ve seen great two-part arcs so far, but has there been any talk of one-shot stories or longer 3 – 4 part stories in the future? Is there a reason why you enjoy the two-part format?

GW: Actually, issues #11 – 13 are basically a three-parter. Each tells a stand alone adventure, with the origin of Clayface in issue #12 bridging and connecting the two stories on either side. And all three issues set up and lead quite nicely into both episode 8 of the television series and issues #14 and #15 of the comic – yep, another two parter. But in that way one could almost view issues #11 – 15 as a five parter. And since #16 and #17 tell what’s going on with the teammates who didn’t participate in #14 and #15, one could almost view #11 – #17 as a seven-parter!

Okay, not really. But the point is we want the comic to have it’s own continuity that runs alongside the series and is interesting in its own right.

One-parters are difficult, given the complexity of our stories and the sheer number of characters we feature. And for an all ages book like Young Justice, we try to avoid true multi-parters that are a bit tougher for a casual reader to keep up with. So generally speaking, two-parters are ideal. Start a story. Cliffhang it. Then finish it. But we’re playing around within that structure as much as possible.

WF: Having this comic and the series go on forever is the ideal scenario but what is the production process for the comics (i.e. do you get renewed for six more issues after a briefing with DC Comics every six months)?

GW: I honestly don’t know. If that’s going on, it’s happening above my pay grade. Kevin Hopps and Chris Jones and I are just going to keep going until someone tells us to stop. We’re really having fun!

WF: Moving forward into 2012, just how integral will the comic become to the animated series? The series plays out like a great collection of ‘lost episodes.’ As the show continues, and even morphs into Young Justice: Invasion for the second season, how affected will the comic be?

GW: The plan isn’t going to change. We’re going to keep filling in the blanks between episodes, creating new and hopefully gripping and fun stories, expanding and exploring aspects of our characters that we just don’t have the screen-time to cover in our 22-minute television episodes, expanding and exploring the depth and breadth of Earth-16, etc. As always, if we’re doing our jobs right, you don’t have to watch the television series to enjoy the comic or vice versa – but you get a lot more out of both if you do.

WF: Is it safe to say you and Kevin will remain on the comic book for the foreseeable future? How does writing this comic compare to writing the late “Gargoyles” comic series for

GW: Oh, yeah. I have no intention of stopping until they make me! There’s no way we’ll ever run out of stories. I can’t speak for Kevin, of course. But I think he’s sticking around too. I wrote #11 – 13 without him, but Kevin co-wrote/ is co-writing #14 – 17 with me. I think we make a good team.

WF: To wrap things up, we’re all looking ahead now to 2012. Can you tease any tales that will appearing in both the comic and cartoon? Also, is there any way we can encourage more viewers of the Young Justice cartoon to pick up the book?

GW: Well, we’ve got a lot of exciting stuff coming up, including Ra’s, Talia, Clayface, Ocean-Master, King Shark, Kobra, a return to Atlantis, an introduction to Aqualad’s parents, mentor/protege action with Green Arrow, Flash and Batman – and much, much more.

As for attracting more viewers to the comic, I’m all for it. How can I help? [smiles]

Check out the “Young Justice” monthly series from DC Comics! “Young Justice” #11, the December 2011 issue of the acclaimed comic, hits shelves December 21st, 2011.

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