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Young Justice – Reviews – Season Three – Elder Wisdom


Elder Wisdom
Original Airdate – July 23, 2019
The Outsiders face Lex Luthor’s machinations. But Lex isn’t the only one trying to manipulate them!

Written by Paul Giacoppo
Directed by Christopher Berkeley
Mini-Review by Royal Rubble
Media by Warner Bros. Animation
Please note our regular reviewer, “GregX,” is currently on sabbatical.


Mini-Review: A good episode, and I liked the focus Beast Boy is getting recently and his role as leader. His team is doing a decent job, despite Luthor’s plans, though admittedly they had some help they didn’t know about during their second mission. The scene with the parents trying to ground the younger members was handled pretty well. They all had some decent enough arguments and it’s nice they managed to find some kind of common ground there.

I wasn’t expecting Violet to confess her secrets this soon. Brion and Tara’s reactions seemed pretty understandable. Tara’s was a little more interesting though, since we don’t know that much about her but she seemed to recover quickly enough to keep spying on her team-mates. I presume Violet ran away at the end of the episode, but we’ll see. I guess she could leave with Helga Jace to the latter’s mentor.

As obnoxious as I find Luthor and Godfrey in these episodes, I have to admit they have some pretty good chemistry and it’s cool how they can annoy each other as well. I’m sure nothing bad could ever come out from a meta-human registration act. I liked how Jay Garrick pointed out that kind of stuff didn’t work in the 50s, either.

I thought Batman’s plan of setting up the Anti-Light was pretty cool back when it was introduced, but since then things seem to have taken a darker turn. The parallels between Batman and Luthor were pretty scary and I kind of hope they won’t become even more unpleasant. I’ll admit the Anti-Light’s plans are elaborate and all that, but that’s about all I can praise them for. I also find it funny how pretty much each time we see them, Wonder Woman also tries reasoning with them but nothing has changed so far.

It’s a minor thing, but I liked how they included some characters who barely got any screen-time so far, like Troia. And Looker was introduced, I didn’t realize that was supposed to be her until I checked her name in the credits. A pretty cool surprise. And Matches Malone was pretty amusing. All in all, I think this was more entertaining than last week’s episode.

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