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  1. Enrico

    Dose this mean that Cartoon Network is going to air the remainder of season 2 in before DC nation because that’s the way it sounds when I read it in this press release.

    If so WOOHOO!!!!

  2. jake

    yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh but noooooooooooooooooooooooooo

  3. Reiko

    And it’s been only 2 weeks with new episodes and now they say to wait until march 2013 for new episodes once december ends?? Why??? I’m happy but also sad!!! As long as we get more seasons, I’ll be fine. Don’t let us down!

  4. Juan A Montoya

    Okay, so this bit of news just came out 2 days ago and we were already promised new episodes until the end of the year and then suddenly CN says they’re holding of new episodes until January? Was there some sort of fight between DC and Cartoon Network or something? And telling us now about a new hiatus after 2 weeks from the end of the last hiatus? I’m wondering if this DVD will still have episode 10 even though that won’t air until January, the same month as this is set to come out. Or, is this being postponed too?

  5. akif

    i dont care fro half seasons i want the complete season 1 on blu ray

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