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  1. Elga Nelly

    I don’t like the animation!
    I want it something serious, I’m tired of this gags!

    • Lewis

      Agreed. I would love a Vibe or Atom series from the shorts. Anything but this goofy stuff. Remember a LOT of DC cartoon fanbase is older folks who grew up w/ Super Friends, Plastic Man & Shazam on Kids Super Power Hour. These comedic catoons just don’t cut it for me plus we’ve already had one Teen Titans cartoon….

  2. Hero Supreme

    Detention, Date With Destiny, Can I Keep Him?, Bunny Raven, Employee of the Month. 5 reasons I am excited for this comedic series. Oh, and a bonus reason, Turn Back the Clock.

  3. Cyndy Otty

    Um, the thumbnail link just loads the thumbnail rather than the the full image.

    • Cyndy Otty

      Or maybe my computer is just having a crazy moment because now it works fine….

  4. Jim Harvey

    The link has been fixed!

    If you ever notice a mistake in a newspost, please point it out as soon as you notice and we’ll fix it!


    • Cyndy Otty

      Ah! Well then, disregard my confusion above. 🙂

  5. RIOT

    I am so glad this is back, its a little wackier then the first time but essetially its the same. Kids LOVED the shorts, LOVED IT. I get kids at my store talking about it all the time. AND its a way to bring that core team BACK to the mainstream as this overly serious emo kids team in the comics now is terrible. THANK You again DC ANIMATION for being more sane then the awful comics now adays. Ignore the moody comic nerds that want something more serious as they said that about Brave and the Bold and it was AMAZING and a hit for 3 seasons. You want serious watch Young Justice , its great too. But i am glad to see we will get to see Teen Titans GO!

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