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  1. beastboy1996

    worst show ever!!! more like teen titans go [bleep].

    Mod Note: Watch the language. Posts with inappropriate comments will not be tolerated.

  2. Mike

    I loved Teen Titans but I wouldn’t have traded Young Justice for it.

    Beware the Batman is stupid.

  3. Khany

    Batman’s fighting a Pig with an inanmatedly proportionate head who uses Willie E Coyote’s special bag of ACME explosives.. and that Frog from The Wind and the Willows
    ..why did they release these images..

    • E.D.

      All I know is the pig is Professor Pyg, who I don’t know how they’ll change him for the show, since in the comics, he surgically lobotomizes and modifies people and their sexual organs to be Dollotrons, or A-sexual biengs. Changing Joker in TAS to leave people smiling instead of just dead is one thing, but when this character’s nature is modifing sexual organs, its a bit hard to present that in a weekly morning cartoon, especially one that’s not PG-13. May be he’ll just mask them or lobotomize them, but even then, its almost like trying to get Zsasz on a Batman cartoon series, only having him not kill anyone or even show him adding cut marks.

  4. Johnny

    THIS SUCKS ……why did they have to take young justice and GL away? just add these two shows and it will be a two hour block with 4 shows……,why did you guys have to take our shows away DAMN! teen titans go looks like crap but i’m giving it a chance.

    Mod Note: Inappropriate language removed. Next time the post will be deleted and the user unallowed to post.

    • Johnny

      sorry……..i was just mad,wont happen again

  5. Roy

    I like it when people criticize something they haven’t seen. Gives me faith in the human race.

    As for the shows, I’ll give them the chance.

    • E.D.

      Speaking of keeping faith in the human race, I don’t think that’s the case anymore with CN, since it seems like if its not a Ben 10 spinoff or a upteenth hipster Spongebob wanabee, then it won’t last long on CN. Even if these new shows were given a chance and would turn out as good as they appear, it seems like in CN’s case, it wouldn’t matter. Plus, we did give YJ and GL a chance, and even those are now going away.

    • Johnny

      blah blah……..somethings are just easy but i’m giving it a chance too shush,adults need to speak too

  6. Sheldon131

    I’m so not gonna watch this stupid chibi Teen Titans!
    That animated series aired like five years! Cartoon Network is going down! They can keep their Annoying Oranges and Regular Show and Gumball whatever. They did the same with Sym Bionic Titans and Thundercats!!

  7. Rockabore

    I dunno about you all but I think Teen Titans Go will be fun. I loved Teen Titans and Teen Titans Go (the comic tie in to the animated series) so more of the show I loved seems like a good idea. I’m not crazy about the animation change since it looks very stiff and not as animated as the old show but I love the characters so I can get used to it.

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