Cartoon Network and Warner Bros. Animation have released media for new animated short-form content set to debut this Saturday, July 13th, 2013 during the DC Nation programming block. The animated short “Wonder Woman” is set to premiere this weekend. The hour-long DC Nation programming block airs Saturdays and Sundays at 10:00am (ET/PT) on Cartoon Network. The DC Nation animated shorts star a host of different DC Comics characters in varying styles, and are usually paired with live-action interstitials. The block is anchored by Beware The Batman and Teen Titans Go!. Continue below to view the hi-res images, and a clip in either the MP4 or Quicktime format.
720p MP4 Clip — 1080p Quicktime Clip
Wonder Woman
Written/Directed By:
Robert Valley
The DC Nation airs Saturdays at 10:00am (ET/PT) on Cartoon Network, with an encore Sunday at 10:00am (ET/PT). The block kicks off with an all-new episode of Beware The Batman at 10:00am (ET/PT), followed with an special encore presentation of Teen Titans Go! at 10:30am (ET/PT). DC Nation shorts and behind-the-scenes content air during commercial breaks of the two above-mentioned shows, and rotate and change every week.
Stay tuned for further schedule updates and coverage on the DC Nation programming block – including exclusive content and much more – right here soon at The World’s Finest.
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