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  1. Alice A

    This sounds familiar… oh wait, it’s happened before. Only BtB deserves its cancellation, unlike YJ. Maybe they’ll finally see reason and bring it back??? (One can only hope!)

    • matthewscott614


    • well-read robin

      Testify! Young Justice deserves renewal.

      This is as bad as Marvel cancelling Avengers for a worse version of the *same* freaking show!

  2. Lord Jebus VII

    Honestly would not care if this show didn’t return. The Animated Series, New Superman Batman Adventures, Justice League, Justice League Unlimited, Batman Beyond, The Brave and the Bold, Young Justice and even The Batman were all so much better than this. How anyone thought that Beware the Batman was good enough to carry that torch is beyond me. Young Justice was the best comic book adaptation ever to hit the small screen and to be thrown aside for this because they didn’t make for good toys is a disgrace.

    • matthewscott614

      Agreed! And even “The Batman” hehe.

  3. shawn kent

    I still can’t believe Young Justice got taken off Cartoon Network for that CRAP! Seriously?! *rme*

    • matthewscott614

      Indeed! The whole thing hurts brains!

  4. Paul

    WTF, why its the only decent Super Hero Cartoon left on TV. (the Marvel offering are so bad and so childish they are impossible to watch) I originally thought BTB would be terrible but I have been surprised how much I enjoyed it.

    It goes to show that Children TV bosses are complete and utter morons.

    • thomas

      To be fair, most TV bosses are complete and utter morons.

  5. Ernie Krause

    This is just bullshit. The absolute LAST good action cartoon is now gone. Congratulations Cartoon Network, you might as well change your name to Comedy Network since that’s the only genre you even have!

  6. Case

    That sucks. I was wondering where beware went. I rather like the cg version,
    Though the villains could be more major or better executed. Do the court of owls or something
    More inspired. The show has grown on me.

  7. BatmanFangirl14

    There changing the show because most of the fans (like me) don’t like Alfred with guns, they want Robin and they want the Joker in this series.

    • Coach McGuirk

      You don’t represent “most of the fans.” You are simply part of the vocal minority. Beware the Batman is a great show, and some people simply whine because the show did a few things differently.

  8. Spiderfan

    I’m disappointed this show has been put on hiatus. This is a good show that has really grown on me. It had a bit of an uneven start but really picked up to become something really great. I think it gets a lot of unfair treatment since some fans are wrongly convinced this show is responsible for YJ and GLTAS being canned (it’s not!). It’s so much better than the three awful Marvel shows currently on TV It blows them away. The CG animation might be a bit cheap from time to time but it’s a genuinely greats how that deserves better treatment. Maybe The Hub will pick it up?

    • Coach McGuirk


  9. necessaryEvil

    this show is not completely bad, but i believe it is one of the worst batman TV series ever to air on television. cartoon network is one big $hitty network. WB animation and DC need to find another channel that is going to air their shows. they completely destroyed the DC nation block by canceling possibly the best animated superhero show off all time, young justice, and GTAL. they think all their audiences o only want to watch comedy, sure i like my comedy but i also want my action and drama!! not everything needs to be jokes. idk why they even brought that joke of a network here in Canada. been boycotting it since.

    • Impish

      You do realize WB Animation and Cartoon Network are essentially the same company. CN is owned by WB, and every DC cartoon has been on Cartoon Network since 1996 and Justice League.

    • Re'Nell Glover

      Actually, CN is owned by Turner, which is owned by Time Warner, and Time Warner owns WB, and WB owns DC Comics.

    • matthewscott614

      Different departments, politics, top down misdirection, vanilla corporate culture & poor decision making are all factors over @ Time Warner. Sometimes they get it right, like for example with TDKR animated feature, BTBB, YJ & the whole DCAU. However on the mass audience stuff WB’s market research pandering strategy makes for a rancid DC media product! Funny thing is the swill sells half of the time! Not here though. So I guess turning Alfred into Commander Rex from SWTCW was too much for too many.

  10. Re'Nell Glover

    This is one of the reasons why I STILL don’t watch CN/Adult Swim/Boomerang anymore., even though I never really watched this show.

    • Re'Nell Glover

      Nor Teen Titans Go! for that matter. When GL, YJ, and Scooby-Doo! Mystery Inc. were done, I was done, as well.

  11. matthewscott614

    This may be the first time in Batman’s media history that a Batman related show fails.

  12. Re'Nell Glover

    So, WHY did they take it off the air? Because current CN CEO Stuart Snyder HATES action cartoons/anime, except toyetic ones and ones named Ben 10.

  13. Justin

    Because the show is no good and likely has generated next to nothing in merchandising. Bring back YJ at least you may have more viewers. Cartoon network seems to have no idea what they are doing with their Saturday lineup…which is almost blasphemous from a company called ‘Cartoon Network’.

    • Re'Nell Glover

      And to be honest, I only saw a LITTLE of the show (to make sure that CN didn’t take DC Nation off the air like last year)

  14. Re'Nell Glover

    You know, that message about “Beware the Batman currently no longer on their air” is similar to last year’s message “Hey DC Nation fans! Have you heard?? DC Nation will return in January with all new episodes!” And remember that phrase about DC Nation not going anywhere? This isn’t the only network to put these shows on hiatus, or in this case, “take it off the air for months now or for good so kids will forget all about it”.

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