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  1. Gary

    Good luck with the new iteration of the site James. The World’s Finest has been a great resource for DC animation over the years.

  2. Matias

    I couldn’t agree more with this decision. For me, the WF has always been the big library for info and stuff to the DCAU and the new line of movies. To be honest, the daily news were barely interesting to me most of the time because most of the time it was irrelevant news to me. Ocassionaly you’d post a big news like a new movie or blu ray announcement or whatever and just those few are the ones that really count for me.

    The amount of work put into this website is epic and I will be forever grateful for it, as it has been my partner since day 1 I started following the DCAU.

    Don’t mind the likes of people like the one who commented here, those are ungrateful idiots, who don’t appretiate the hard work that is being done and has been done and just take things for granted.

  3. ShiyaHawk

    I come on this on a daily basis to just see the news. I guess I’m just going to have to find a new site that has both news and DC information like this one had.

    It was fun while it lasted but you’ve lost a regular reader who has been going on this site since 2009.

    I am highly disappointed by your decision. I hope you change your mind about the news part. This is the only site that updated regularly what was going on in the DC community. You will be leaving a lot of your readers in the cold by doing so.

    • Mr. 2015 Please Keeep new news

      Exactly what I was trying to say, this is why I went to the website I agree with you Hawk. I do this daily routine where I go to certain websites everyday before going to other things, and this was one of them however now I guess I’m taking it off my list.

  4. Jim Harvey

    The daily news will not be returning and I completely understand if folks remove this site from their daily routine. But keep in mind that, beyond the daily news, there are literally thousands of pages devoted to a host of DC Comics-based cartoons that are worth checking out.

    • ShiyaHawk

      Yes and if you read very closely he stated those will be discontinued as well. No new series is going to be added. There is no reason for the site to run anymore than if the series section won’t be updated with new ones.

    • Jim Harvey

      No, I didn’t say those would be discontinued. No new sites will be added, but all sections currently on the site will be updated with new content as it comes available. And besides, given the amount of content here, there’s plenty to keep regular visitors of new viewers plenty occupied. This site survived before it had daily news, and it will afterwards.

  5. ShiyaHawk

    I also have one other problem that I forgot to mention. You stated that you covered 95% of the work on the site. Why can this not be delegated to other people to make the workload less and more things able to be done?

    To me you seem a bit of a control freak perhaps. You want everything your way with help from no one else. The other just do the little 5% you allow them to do. Let them work with you so you’re not doing 95% of the work!

    • Jim Harvey

      I covered the work because I had to – any requests for assistance went unanswered. I stated that above. I repeatedly asked and no one came forward. Some fine folks did volunteer some reviews and excellent essays, which helped out. And also, I don’t appreciate your rude tone and, frankly, if you’re the type of person this site attracts, then I can do without that traffic.

      This site was a vast undertaking that eventually fell on to my shoulders. I am very thankful for the opportunities it gave me along the way, and still will give me in the future. And honestly, I enjoyed a lot of it, but it got to a point where I had juggle my priorities between my volunteer web work, my family and my job and, frankly, it’s no contest. Plus, this gives me the chance to stretch my legs.

      And on that note, I’m not going to justify this decision any further, and the comments for this newspost will be closed. Thanks for all the positive comments via this site, email, and the assorted social outlets. It’s very nice to hear as this website shifts into its next phase. Thanks! Stay tuned for more updates – coming soon!

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